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FNMS Parking Permits Process for E-Bikes, Bicycles, Scooters, and Skateboards

FNMS Parking Permits Process for E-Bikes, Bicycles, Scooters, and Skateboards

FNMS Parking Permits Process for E-Bikes, Bicycles, Scooters, and Skateboards

This upcoming 2024-2025 school year, students will be required to apply or reapply for a permit if they are planning on riding to school. Students wishing to ride a bike, E-bike (class 1 and 2 only), scooter (no motorized scooters per CA code 21235d), or skateboard must watch/review the California High Patrol (CHP) safety presentation with a parent/guardian, watch the Providence Mission Hospital safety video, and complete the attestation. After completing the application process, students will then receive a parking permit sticker, which will be placed on their mode of transportation. Remember that the primary purpose of obtaining a permit is to educate students AND parents about bicycle, scooter, E-bike, and skateboard safety, so we encourage both students and parents to sit down and complete the application together. Skateboards are permitted on campus and are expected to follow the same safety guidelines as an E-bike, bicycle, or scooter but will not be given a permit.
All modes of transportation parked on campus will be required to display a FNMS Parking Permit. A student’s parking permit is a privilege and may be revoked based on not following behavior expectations and behaving unsafely while arriving to and leaving from campus. All students need to walk their mode of transportation when on campus and exiting campus. This includes sidewalks adjacent to the school and Murray Center. Similarly to the high school parking permits, students will need to renew these annually. If you received a permit last school year, you may discard it as it is not valid for this upcoming school year. There will be no fee for the parking permit.  We are initially only providing one permit per student at this time.
On August 13th and August 15th, from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., we will distribute permits in front of the attendance window. In order to receive a permit an application must be submitted.
Please have your child bring the mode of transportation indicated on their application to the attendance window so we can place the permit sticker on the bike/E-bike/scooter. 
*If your child is not able to bring their mode of transportation to campus on this date, we can place the permit on their bike/E-bike/scooter during the first 1 week of school (for the first 30 minutes after school is dismissed at the attendance window). Students must have a permit by Monday, August 26th or they will be unable to ride their E-bike, bicycle, or scooter to campus.
During the first few weeks of school, we anticipate lots of students learning where and how to park their vehicle. For that reason, bike/E-bike/scooter parking may be congested. Therefore, any child who has the ability to get dropped off or walk to school during these first few weeks would be strongly recommended. If this is not an option, we completely understand and we will do our best to help navigate students to the designated parking areas. 
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Assistant Principal Janai Ederaine or Todd Amon.
We appreciate your support!

 2024 - 25 Bike Safety Presentations and Application